Few, however, ask, 'what is the goal of God?' What was the reason behind this extraordinary undertaking by the Almighty? Few realize that in His Word, God has related in detail His reason for creation. Look about you and see if you can find something that was not made for a reason. The monitor or mobile phone you are using to read, the chair you sit in and the desk your computer sits upon, The floor that holds it all up, or the room you’re in. All were made for a particular reason or purpose. So too, the creation of the universe was brought about with a very explicit intention. The Father’s greatest desire is for you to have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Once you have received God’s forgiveness, then you are ready to fulfill the rest of His plan for your life. Your destiny will unfold as you obey the daily prompting and guiding of the Holy Spirit. The God’s goals for you are: 1) to know God’s Word; 2) to keep God’s commands; and 3) to be a witness for Jesus Christ.
Mazke-nune’e, iha ema oituan mak husu, “Nai Maromak nia objetivu mak sa’ida?” Razaun sa’ida mak Nai Maromak halo tiha ona serbisu extra-ordináriu hirak-ne’e? Ema oituan mak realiza katak iha Nai Maromak Nia Liafuan, Nai maromak hato’o tiha ona ho detalles kona-bá razaun husi kriasaun ne’ebé Nia halo tiha ona ne’e. Haree tok kona-ba ita-boot nia án, no nota karik ita-boot bele hetan buat-ruma ne’ebé la kria ona ho razaun ida? Monitor ka telemóvel ne’ebé ita-boot uza daudaun hodi le’e, kadeira ne’ebé ita-boot túr hela iha leten no meja ne’ebé ita-boot tau hela komputadór ba leten, rai ne’ebé ita-boot harii buat hotu-hotu iha leten, ka sala/kuartu ne’ebé ita-boot okupa daudaun. Buat hirak-ne’e hotu kria ona ho razaun ka objetivu sertu ida. Nune’e-mós kriasaun universu ne’ebé Nai Maromak halo tiha ona ho intensaun ne’ebé klaru tebes (laiha dúvida). Dezeju boot Aman Maromak nian mak atu ita-boot iha relasionamentu ho Nia liu-husi Nai Jesus Kristu. Iha tempu ita-boot hetan perdaun husi Nai Maromak, mak ita-boot prontu atu hakonu restu husi Nia planu sira ba ita-boot nia moris. Ita-boot nia destinu sei nakloke iha tempu ita-boot obedese ba orientasaun diária husi Ispíritu Santu. Nai Maromak Nia objetivu ba ita-boot mak: 1) koñese Nai Maromak Nia Lia-fuan; 2) kumpri ho Nai Maromak Nia Ukun-fuan; no 3) sai testemuña Nai Jesus Kristu nian.
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